Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

3 Questions To Help You Design Seamless Customer Journeys

Written by | January 26, 2017

Innovation does not happen by chance. Being innovative requires that you challenge the status quo by asking simple "what if" questions and putting yourself in the shoes of your customer. In this blog post, I'll share three questions that I as a Futurist and Innovation Strategist often discuss with my clients as I help them design seamless customer journeys

Ask yourself these three questions as you rethink and design seamless customer journeys:

1. What are the most decisive moments of friction and / relief for your customers?

2. How can I make these moments seamless by design?

3. How can I prevent negative feelings and amplify the positive ones when they occur? 

Do you want to get further insights on how you can remove friction and use seamlessness to create raving brand advocates and customer loyalty? Pre-purchase my new book, Seamless: a hero's journey of digital disruption, adaptation and human transformation (Wiley), which will be released in the beginning of February.