Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

7 Qualities That Define Great Leadership According To Gen Y

Written by | October 6, 2015
What makes a great leader? In this blog post I write about 7 qualities that according to Generation Y define great leadership. The data in this visualization is based on a survey made by recruiting firm Hays in Australia. 


Generation Y are defined as those born between 1982 and 2002. In Australia they comprise of 6.1 million people and by 2020 they are expected to dominate the labour market. This is ofcourse a major demographic shift in the world of work which puts pressure on businesses and employers to gain a better understanding of how to attract, retain and motivate Generation Y. 

As you can see above, the ideal boss is primarily seen as being a coach/mentor. This data also strongly justifies the notion that young Autralian employees want a boss that is passionate, supportive and driven. 

We at Thinque believe that true leaders should work right alongside the team they lead in order to get a deeper understanding about the people they lead. Working close the ones you lead also enables you to give them quick feedback, be supportive and inspire them. 

Here are som more blog posts from us about Generation Y, leadership and the future workplace:

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