Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Analogue Hearts / Digital Minds

Written by | September 4, 2012

Analogue Hearts and Digital Minds

Ask anybody who has ever been in a long-distance relationship in the last 10 years about the value of Skype, and they will rave about it. With some reservations. When you ask them to compare Skype to pillow-talk, they cannot compare the two.

For businesses to thrive into the future, you need to provide value to digital minds, and connect with analogue hearts. Because even though we are now interlinked, hyperconnected, online 24/7/365, and our minds have become digital, our hearts are still firmly analogue.

Here is an interesting example of going Digilogue ie. combining the best of digital and analogue. The great analogue Moleskine diary has now gone digilogue in combination with one of my favourite cloud-based providers, Evernote... a digilogue match made in heaven?


While I still have some reservations on the novelty of this approach, given that an iPhone or Android device could snap a photo at any time, the intent here is right. 

Here is another example closer to home:*

What do you think?
What other examples of digilogue are you seeing around the world?
Which ones work and which ones do not?

Add your comments and thoughts below. 

*The title photo is of my dad on Web TV in the Swedish online edition of the daily, SvD, showing the family's 95-year old store, Georg Sorman AB and the art of tying a 4 in hand knot. Very digilogue.