Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Branding, Coaching 2.0, and the 8 Irresistable Principles of Fun

Written by Admin | March 28, 2007

Hi there guys,

I love life and I love learning. Yesterday I had an eventful day with lots of meetings. Now most of you would say - meetings, wohoo in a sarcastic tone, but when these meetings tend to be with highly charismatic and interesting people, and you meet them over a coffee, meetings tend to take on a new meaning.

Last night Anika and I went along to a talk at the International Coach Federation by Michael Bungay Stanier, Canadian Coach of the Year in 2006, and an Aussie-born Rhodes Scholar. Michael is a truly cutting-edge coach in Toronto and is the originator of the Eight Principles of Fun . Check it out now! Definitely worth a few minutes of your time and has already been viewed by half a million people around the globe.

Michael is also an Old Boy of my old school CGS, and we have had a chance to meet this week to share some insights and ideas on how to take coaching and training into the 21st Century - beyond the old hard sell 'rah-rah' seminars of the past. Very fruitful discussions and an inspirational man at that.

All the best.
