Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Futurist: Digital Disruption

Written by | February 15, 2013

Futurist: Digital Disruption


Do you feel somewhat digitally disrupted? Are you tuned in, connected, linkedin, and on your smartphone 24/7/365? Do you do your digital due diligence before a meeting, shopping, or even a date? Does your LinkedIn profile get your digital foot into the analogue door? What is happening right now is that everything that can be digitised is becoming digitised. 


Check out this presentation by futurist Anders Sorman-Nilsson to see how digital disruption is changing the world, human interactions, and business models.



Digital Disruption from thinque

To learn more about Digital Disruption from this Australian-Swedish Futurist, why not check out the futurist video below?


If you are planning a conference and you are looking for a conference futurist to provide you with strategic guidance and a 2020 vision, why not considering booking Anders Sorman-Nilsson today?