Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Futurist's Perspective: Are You Prepared For The Future Of Work?

Written by | September 27, 2016

G'day, Anders Sörman-Nilsson here, Futurist and founder of the research think tank Thinque. In today's blog post I thought that I would share with you some compelling statistics on the future of work. More precisely I'll compare the top 10 skills that were in demand last year, 2015, with those that will be essential in 2020. 

The workplace of 2020 will look quite different from the one we have today, and a different workplace creates a need for new skills. This insight is evident in a new report by World Economic Forum which states that 35% of the skills considered key in today's workplace will have changed by 2020. 

Below you'll see the top 10 skills that according to World Economic Forum are considered important today vs. the 10 skills that will be important in 2020. The yellow marked skills have increased in importance while the red skills will be less importance in 2020. The skills written in blue with a star to the left means that it's a new skill which wasn't even on the list in 2015.

What strikes me as particularly fascinating about the skills considered to be essential in 2020 is that creativity which in 2015 was ranked as number 10 is expected to be ranked as number 3 in four years. Another thing worth addressing here is that emotional intelligence, the capacity to be aware of and control one's emotion while handling interpersonal relationships empathetically and cognitive flexibility, the ability to adapt your thinking strategies to new and unexpected conditions in the environment, are two completely new skills which wasn't even considered to be important enough to be on the list in 2015. 

Technologies such as advanced robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, biotechnology and autonomous transport will change the workplace of the future. And already today we are seeing that technology is displacing jobs. For example, we will soon have driverless trucks and self-driving Ubers. So, in order to prepare ourselves for the future, we need to update our workforce strategy and focus on re-skilling. It's not only organisations who need to be agile and innovative, we as human beings need to develop an agile mindset and learn how to think both critically and creatively at the same time. For further reading on the future of jobs, I highly recommend that you read this report by World Economic Forum - The Future of Jobs  


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