Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

How Brands Evolve To Create Seamless Customer Journeys

Written by | November 22, 2019

In recent decades, the Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) industry has redefined “fast food”, moulding it to the wishes of its consumers. While people continue to crave for a good cheeseburger and freshly-fried fries, they also want it packed and delivered to their doorstep without the hassle of calling. Because of today’s digital innovations, seamless experiences should be possible.

In my chat with KFC South Pacific’s marketing director, Michael Forster, we explored how they revisited their customer journey design by putting their regulars at the centre of their strategy.


Back in 2015, people used to order their food in two ways: the front counter or the drive-thru. Today, Australian customers have a lot more touchpoints to choose from—most of them only a click away on their mobile phones. They can either call KFC’s hotline or go on the KFC app and tap their favourite Box Meal.

Because the customer journey can happen in only 3 seconds, KFC has decided to meet their customers where they are. By enabling people to order directly through Messenger, they add another layer of value to their service: meals are prepared even as customers make their way to the nearest store. This cuts down on time spent ordering at the counter.

With a number of digital touchpoints available, brands can now engage and delight their customers one-on-one. Every person can now be identified not only by their name—but through a Facebook profile favourite go-to meals, or preferences. This ensures that each transaction is an opportunity for a unique customer journey.

As science fiction becomes science fact, brands need to be more flexible when looking to satisfy their consumers. Let’s remove the silos that disallow us from making humane interactions.

The customer journey is no longer linear and it’s becoming crucial that brands use consumer input to strengthen brand experiences.