Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Insights From HubSpot's Marketing Conference #Inbound15 

Written by | September 21, 2015

Last week the Thingue team went to Boston for HubSpot's #Inbound15 conference. It was a great event with lots of interesting speakers, some of the more well-known people speaking at the event was Seth Godin, Bréne Brown, Dan Pink, Chelsea Clinton, Aziz Ansari, Amy Schumer and ofcourse Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah, the founders of HubSpot.

The Keynotes

During the keynotes there were plenty of activity on twitter. To start with here is two tweets from the opening keynote by Seth Godin who is a famous marketer and author of several best selling books like Permission Marketing, All Marketers Are Liars and Purple Cow. If you have not read any of his books yet or watched his TED-talks, I highly recommend that you do so. 

Social scientist, researcher and storyteller Brené Brown was one of the highlights at the conference. She talked about the importance of recognizing the power of emotion and not being afraid of leaning in to discomfort - and how that can help you have more fulfilling relationships in business and in your personal life. Here is a tweet from her presentation;
Author and Career Analyst Dan Pink was the last speaker at the event. He often speaks about sales, marketing and the future of business. At the conference he talked about how information assymetry have fundamentally changed the world of marketing and sales and the relationshionship between the buyer and the seller. 
Overall it was a successful event with many inspiring keynotes and sessions. For us as a strategic think tank it was interesting to learn even more about inbound marketing and meet other businesses that have adopted this methodology. 


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