Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Mobilise the Cloud

Written by | August 5, 2012

Mobilise the Cloud

Our universe has been disrupted, and with it, the notion of business as usual.

We are now living in a INTERLINKED, HYPERCONNECTED, AND ONLINE world - digital platforms now play a central role in the success, or failure, of today's organisations, and navigating the digital disruption has gone from nicety to necessity.

Everything is now going mobile, as more and more people are buying, using, and relying on smartphones in their everyday lives. This in turn, is one of the key drivers of the mobilisation of the cloud.

To see just how ubiquitous our smartphones becoming, just check out these alarming statistics:

  • The number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the world's population in 2012. 
  • 4.8 billion people worldwide own mobile phones whereas 4.2 billion people worldwide own toothbrushes.
  • In 2010-2011, time spent on apps began to outpace time spent on the desktop or mobile web.



As the mobile market grows significantly over the past few years, it's inevitable that mobile and cloud computing will collide and form a big (and lucrative) mobile cloud market.

The evolution of mobile and cloud markets allows users more freedom, capability and social connectivity than ever before, at the same time allowing businesses the unprecedented opportunity to engage customers, empower employees, drive business and build brand awareness.

For instance, cloud technology can provide huge benefits for the increasingly mobile workforce where smartphone penetration among the global workforce is now more than 90%. According to a survey of IT executives - apps are moving to the cloud for three primary reasons - a third of the respondents said that providing information access to multiple devices was their top reason for implementing cloud computing. Accelerating business speed and cutting costs were the other main reasons for implementing cloud.


In the PC-Plus era, users need applications and solutions that can transition from the mobile to the tablet to the desktop. Today, some of the most popular mobile applications are running in the cloud: Instagram, Groupon, Zynga, etc.

By 2014, the market for cloud-based mobile apps will have increased by 90% compared to 2009. More than 240 million business customers will access cloud-computing services via mobile devices by 2015 and that number could approach a billion.

The future of cloud computing is mobile.

Check yourself:

  • What do you think?
  • Will we live in the cloud rather than in the desktop?
  • Will the mobile device completely replace the desktop experience?
  • Will devices shift from smartphones to cloud-based mobile devices?

Add your comments to this conversation on the future of the mobilisation of the cloud.