Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Thinque - Think Global, Act Local

Written by | June 20, 2012

How are you managing disruptive trends? Are your leaders aware of the next tidal wave of changes about to hit your industry shores? What disruptive riptides will be eroding your market share tomorrow?

What new Silicon Valley cloud innovations are likely to change how your IT department thinks about the future? What is going on amongst mobile phone vendors in Bangalore that will upend how you think about mobile devices at work? Which Shanghai pirates are likely to shift your thinking about intellectual property? What Barcelona designer is likely to give shape to the tablet device of tomorrow? Which Sydney cafe owner is likely to inspire co-working and innovation hubs of 2020?

In order to position yourself and your organisation favourably for tomorrow and for 2020, you need to think global, and act local. Glocalization is upon us, and that is why Thinque provides you with research and insights from around the globe. Check out this infographic of some of the places we have been lately, and where our futurist-in-residence Anders Sorman-Nilsson has been hanging out.

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