Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

What Does The Future Of Internet Look Like?

Written by | November 24, 2015
A couple of days ago I stumbled upon this intriguing TED-talk by Tom Uglow, Creative Director in the Google Creative Lab. In this talk he argues that digital information should not be mediated by screens, instead he proclaim that the future of Internet should be less dependent on screens.
Furthermore he makes the point that we are not addicted to our devices like smartphones, tablets and laptops, "we are addicted to the information that flows through them", he says. 

Uglow's main argument is that we should design digital interfaces according to these three basic principles:

  1. Humans like natural solutions
  2. Humans love information
  3. Humans need simple tools

The Moodstone is one of many great examples of this design thinking, it's an object that can capture the subjective data around mood swings. 

In the TED-talk he also points out that big tech companies agree with this and that they are heavily investing in touch, speech and gesture.

Uglows perspective on digital interfaces and user experience resonates with the concept of Digilogue which is also the title of my recent book Digilogue: How to Win the Digital Minds and Analogue Hearts of Tomorrow's Customer.