with Futurist Anders Sörman-Nilsson

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Establish your brand signal in a world of digital noise

With ideas transmitted exponentially across media and among different key players, have you struggled to boost your brand signal? In the age of the digitally distributed brand, how do you position your brand in the minds of tomorrow's customers?


In this webinar, learn how to amplify your brand signal and cut through the digital noise. Craft transformative future narratives that inspire your audience’s confidence in the unknown, and position your brand as a Transformation Partner in exploring the limitless possibilities in the emerging Transformation Economy.

Sign up to craft the narratives that win tomorrow’s clients


In this webinar, you will learn:


Establish plausible future scenarios and narrative arcs that engage your audience


Map client journeys for B2B brands to better reach tomorrow's customers


Build audience confidence in the unknown to allow them to transcend their organisation in the impending Transformation economy




As a global futurist, my role is to share avant-garde ideas that expand minds and inspire a change of heart. Since 2005, I have been passionately highlighting and accelerating transformational innovations that shape a more humane future.

In my capacity as a futurist and keynote speaker, I have decoded trends and deciphered what’s next for thought leaders across the globe. I am confident that I can give you the necessary tools to create a competitive and sustainable path to the future. Together, we shall craft alternate worlds, discuss proactive strategies, and prepare to ride with the digital disruptions.