Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Futurist Trendspots: The Future of Travel is Seamless

Written by | October 19, 2016

In this episode of Future Trendspots, I speak about the trend that certain travel companies are adopting. These travel companies are partnering with other businesses with the view to making travel experiences less friction - and more seamless.  The idea of removing friction and creating seamless transitions are also the cornerstone of my upcoming book, Seamless: The Futurephile's Guide to Digital Adaptation and Human Transformation, which will be released in early 2017.


The city of Hong Kong. 

During my journeys around the world I've noticed that the experience of travel is becoming increasingly seamless. This is largely because a few innovative travel companies have started to rethink their customer journey and customer experience. In this Futurist Trendspots video, I dive deeper into this topic and share my own personal obeservations and reflections on how and why the future of travel will be significantly different from today.