Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Generation Trend 2011 - Misfits

Written by | February 9, 2011

Misfits change things, and your staff no longer want to conform to your norm. In fact, they want to turn up to work as unique individuals. This year one of the major Swiss investment banks implemented an attire and etiquette code which is so off trend, that I am curious to see how their graduate numbers will look.


More on trend is Toyota’s Rukus, which was specifically launched for Gen Y with the tag-line ‘don’t blend in’. Interestingly enough, the largest technology company in the world, Apple, has a mission statement of ‘think different’. In fact evolutionary misfits are some of the strongest brands that there are - think of the Australian icon, the Platypus.


Generation Y and Z demand to be treated uniquely and are more narcissistic than any previous generations, which means that for you as a leader to get the most out of them, you need to recognise their misfit status and upgrade your leadership capabilities.