Thinque Futurist Blog by Anders Sorman-Nilsson

Podcast With Xero On Technology Adoption and Future Predictions

Written by | February 4, 2016

A while ago I was invited to Xero In's podcast Small Business Leadership to discuss what businesses can do in order to prepare themselves for 2016. I spoke about my role as a futurist and how we at Thinque gather data, build scenarios and make predictions about the future.

We also spoke about the challenge of driving change within organisations and how tuff it can be to sell technology and a digital future to the "late majority" and the "laggards" that doesn't want to face the fact that they have to change in order to survive. We concluded that embracing change and technology is much easier if you or your organisation have a culture that's focused around curiosity and a constant willingness to learn new things. 

Technology adoption, The Black Swan, the cloud, Gartner Hype Cycle, empowerment of the individual, digital trust and digital enablement, unintended consquences of technology and future predictions were other topics we covered in this podcast. Make sure you follow Xero In's podcast for more insights about business trends and leadership. 


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