08 Apr 2024

AI Keynote Speaker: an AI Growth Mindset & The Candlemaker's Petition

In my recent AI keynote speech for ServiceNow in the bustling heart of Singapore, I drew upon an illuminating tale from history - Frederic Bastiat's "The Candlemaker's Petition." This satirical piece, penned in the 19th century, ...

04 Mar 2024

How do I find an AI Speaker? - Human Storytelling With Data-Based Soul

Imagine a future where your child not only thrives but leads in a world intertwined with AI. The thought alone stirs a mix of excitement and concern in the heart of every parent. How do we ensure our children are not just participants ...

16 Feb 2024

Keynote Speaker: Why Book a Humanist Futurist to Speak on Artificial Intelligence?

In a world increasingly dominated by algorithms and automated insights, the art of human perspective and story remain irreplaceable. Today, I invite you to discover why your next conference deserves the unique blend of human insight ...

09 Feb 2024

Keynote Speaker Decodes AI: Transforming Fear into Future Opportunities

In a compelling discussion on Channel 7, we explored the widespread concerns about Artificial Intelligence and the future of technology. As a Sydney-based futurist and AI keynote speaker, I navigate the intricate balance between ...

05 Feb 2024

AI Keynote Speaker: Unleashing the Potential / The Futurist Impact of AI and Emerging Technologies

Explore the transformative power of AI and its impact on industries and everyday life. Understanding the Role of New Technology in Driving Innovation Embracing the Future: The Dual Lens of Technological Evolution In our rapidly ...

28 Aug 2023

Futurist: Ideas - the Most Resilient Parasites...

What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria, a virus ... an intestinal worm?... An idea... resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it is almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed, ...

23 Aug 2023

Media Futurist: How Will Artificial Intelligence Affect Your Life?

How will the world of Artificial Intelligence affect your life? This Channel 7 Flashpoint story explores how AI is changing the way we work, how education is adapting and if creativity is doomed... check out Channel 7's interview with ...