Decoding Tomorrow:
Futurism and Foresights Today

Foresights and ideas that expand minds and inspire a change of heart.

Future of Family Business - Scenario Planning

25 Nov 2020

In November 2020, I was invited as the keynote speaker at the Quinlan School of Business at Loyola University Chicago on the Future of Family Business, and shared some Scenario Planning tools including our Scenario Planning map. In the below video tutorial I walk through this 12 step strategy process and how you can use it for innovation and value creation for your brand.

Here is what we covered in this extended session as per Loyola's invite to its family business stakeholders:

During our keynote with global futurist Anders Sorman-Nilsson we will decode, map, and learn:

  • The paradigm shifts in customer behaviour and values unleashed by the pandemic
  • The STEEP (socio-cultural, technological, economic, environmental, and political) Megatrends influencing the world beyond the virus 
  • How to scenario plan for future disruptions and use trend analysis as a key input for family business continuity
  • Why family businesses are now all media companies with a license in our old industries and how to ensure the sustainability of our brands and legacy
  • How to take advantage of the emerging 2nd Renaissance of human creativity and use it for successful succession planning

So, whether you are a family business or not this Scenario Planning map is a useful aid to engage in the thought experiment that is strategic narrative. Let me know what you think and feel free to use it with your executive / management teams, or let me know if you'd like me to facilitate a Scenario Planning session for your organisation. 




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